User functions

Online Learning materials

With the ColRegs app you have immediate access to the current Collision Regulations ánd 3000+ exercise questions and situations covering those regulations.

With these tools you can go through the Regulations at your own pace. With the questions and situations you learn how to apply them correctly. Finally you can test your knowledge.

Practice makes perfect

ColRegs offers you a number of preset exercises and tests. You can uses those to practice your knowledge . But you can also indicate which rules you would like to practice, set the number of questions you want to go through and whether or not you would like to receive feedback. The app already contains a number of exercises. So you can start learning the rules right from the start.

Compiling your own tests

Are there any ColRegs parts you want to study a bit further? In the app you can easily compile your own tailor-made exercises and tests. In this way you can focus on the parts you choose. You decide the number of questions you will be offered, with or without feedback. Of course all your activities are saved and registered. You can monitor your own progress.

Start with ColRegs now!

Are there any ColRegs parts you want to study a bit further? In the app you can easily compile your own tailor-made exercises and tests. In this way you can focus on the parts you choose. You decide the number of questions you will be offered, with or without feedback. Of course all your activities are saved and registered. You can monitor your own progress.

Administrator functionalities for schools / organisations

Compiling test for students

Administrators or teachers scan easily:

  • compile tests for their students;
  • select the subjects or rules to be tested;
  • set extra options such as available time, pass mark, number of questions offered.

Group and user administration

Especially for schools and teachers there is a facility to admin the groups of students and student accounts of your college ussing ColRegs. With this tool they can also monitor the progress made by groups and individual students. Moreover they can compile specific tests for specific groups of students.

Licence administration for schools

Schools and colleges can issue licences tot heir students in two ways.

  1. Schools enter the groups and names of their students in Colregs and after that ask their students to buy a personal licence online. In that proces they can indicate whether they need to be linked to a school.
  2. In the second manner schools can issue vouchers to their students. The vouceher can be generated in ColRegs by the teacher. The teacher hands out the voucher codes to his students and the students activate the licence with the vouchercode within a certain period of time. The school is invoiced quarterly for the licences activated in that quarter.

Please contact us when you require more licences